
First, download the source code:

$ git clone

Second, install it and all development dependencies. We use Poetry to automate and simplify development tasks and after `installing Poetry`_ you can set up your development environment like this:

$ cd R2T2
$ poetry install

Poetry will set up a virtualenv for you to isolate the dependencies. You can run commands in this virtualenv using poetry run <cmd>; for example, you can run the test suite like this:

$ poetry run pytest

If you prefer, you can start a shell session in the virtualenv and run commands like this:

$ poetry shell
Spawning shell within /home/jez/.cache/pypoetry/virtualenvs/r2t2-zSZaY5UC-py3.8

$ pytest

Useful tools

The following development tools are automatically installed by poetry install:

To find and run tests. Also includes the flake8, mypy and coverage plugins which will check code style, datatypes and test coverage respectively.
Used to increment version numbers in all the right places when making a new release.